So lathered on the sunscreen, threw on some warm weather attire and my Tevas and headed off down the road. I always park at the west entrance and walk around counter-clockwise - I have no idea why... Past the cow pasture, down the shaded path and the first little trail to the right brings you right out to overlook the ocean. Breath-taking. Peaceful. The scent of salt air. The sound of waves crashing. Wonderful!

I did manage to end up with a pretty big blister as a result of my jaunt... Not to self - in the future, do not get the extra exfoliating pedicure prior to hiking. It makes for nasty bad blisters - hence the reason I did not make it back there to do any more hiking.
From there I got on my bike and took a pretty long ride around the island. I continued west on South Shore - I do not like the new light at Collectors Hill. I went down Middle Road. Up my old street for a view from the top of the hill - wow it was crowded up there and the "hill" seems far more steep than I recall. Oh and what is that nasty view of Loughlands when you turn around and come back down? I used to love that view of the ocean over the island when I would leave for work in the morning... now it is cranes and condos... Oh well - progress I suppose...
I continued down Middle Road to the Lighthouse
Down the other side past Henry VIII's and east on South Shore. Yes it made for a long ride. But it was very enjoyable.
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